Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sun 25-Feb-07: Sighs of Life

Sighs of Life

Sighs of life are vivid.
Technicolor sighs show red.
Breathing is a bright blue
And waiting is simply green

Life can be described in colors
As we write and writhe our way through the day.
Anger is red
Peaceful is blue.

Happy is Rainbow
And kids are just green.
Once brought into our world
Till they leave our homes sure.

Colors circle our lifes
And tint all of our views.
It's our choices
That make who we are.

To look sad, with sepia tinge.
Is not the way we should strive.
Alive and aloud with a pinkish dyed hue.
We need to live life full, to have a good eternal view.

(reader question: Are the colors actually DISTRACTING from the poem? Please leave a comment anyway, whether you like or hate a poem!
thanks again,

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